The Neural Magic of Hypnotic Suggestion

The Neural Magic of Hypnotic Suggestion

A new review of the scientific literature studying hypnosis, in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience, by Oakley and Halligan, discusses the potential for hypnosis to provide insights into brain mechanisms involved in attention, motor control, pain perception, beliefs and volition and also to produce informative analogues of clinical conditions. The Neural Magic of Hypnotic Suggestion

“Stressed out all the time?”

“Stressed out all the time?”

“Stressed out all the time?” Kim was so tired of her clothes not fitting. She felt uncomfortable bending over.  She was avoiding social events because she was embarrassed about her weight.  Her energy level was low. She lost the drive to do the things she really wanted to do.  Her self-confidence was down.

Avoid These 5 Hypnosis Training Pitfalls

Avoid These 5 Hypnosis Training Pitfalls

Some people aren’t interested in learning something new. They simply want the validating feeling of confirming what they already believe. So they look for others who agree, and dig their heels in and defend their beliefs. You need to Avoid These 5 Hypnosis Training Pitfalls

“I Hate Exercise”

I Hate Exercise

Sit all day long, and you increase your risk of over 25 chronic conditions, including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. I Hate Exercise

“I Don’t Believe in Hypnosis”


Hypnosis. The other day a heavy smoker came into my office, could barely walk down the street with all the huffing and puffing. He said he wanted to stop smoking. On the verge of retirement, he realized he’d better stop if he wanted to have any chance of enjoying his golden years. Had tried everything else. The patch, the gum, the drugs.

How Does Hypnosis Works

How Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. Past misconceptions and myths about hypnosis are disappearing as hypnosis is helping people in many areas including medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, education and sports performance. How Does Hypnosis Works


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