Hypnosis Weight Loss Studies

Numerous studies have been done showing the effectiveness of hypnosis for weight loss. Several of these weight loss studies are summarized below, along with a list of other references.

Hypnosis For Weight Loss More Effective Than Behavior Therapy

This study compared the results of 2 groups of weight loss program participants. One group was guided and educated with behavior therapy, and the other group was given the same guidance and education via hypnosis. The follow-ups at 8 months and 2 years both showed that “although both interventions resulted in a significant weight change from the initial to final sessions, only the group that utilized hypnosis continued to lose a significant amount of weight.”

Effectiveness of Hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management. Journal of Clinical Psychology 41 (1): 35-41.– Bolocofsky, D.N.,D. Spinier, and L. Coulthard-Morris. 1985.

Effective of Hypnosis for Weight Loss In Females

Hypnosis was used to treat 60 females who were at least 20% overweight, and the results were compared with a control group. At follow-up, the group that was treated with hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, and the control group lost an average of 0.5 pounds.

Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 54:489-92.– Cochrane, G. and J. Friesen. 1986

Review of Numerous Studies on Hypnosis in Weight Loss Programs Concludes Hypnosis Is Effective

The authors of this review concluded that hypnosis is effective in helping with weight reduction because it addresses cognition about food, eating triggers and stimulus control.

Implications for treatment with hypnosis. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 23 (1): 1-13.– Coman, C. and B. Evans. 1995. Clinical update on eating disorders and obesity.

Additional References

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