Stressed out all the time?

Hypnosis can help you escape to a calmer life.

Jodie **was debating in her head all day and night. Judging herself. And rehashing past events. Worrying about what will happen – with work, and money, her body, and relationships. Judging others. simply never feeling good enough.

She was having trouble sleeping because she couldn’t turn off the mind chatter. Therefore she was feeling exhausted all day long. Eating to escape. Or forgetting to eat. As a result, she found it hard to get things done. She was so distracted she wasn’t connecting with the people she loves – her partner, her kids. She stopped going out and seeing her friends because she just didn’t have the energy. As a result, she realized she was living in total survival mode.

Her Decision

No one wakes up one day and says “I think I’ll ruin my life today”. Debating in her mind was how she managed to cope with the challenges in life since she was a little kid. And it did help her get this far. Now her life became demanding enough that she couldn’t afford to spin her wheels this way anymore.

Jodie realized she was making excuses to keep running herself into the ground, like, “‘I’m too busy” or “My life is just too complicated”. But her stress level was way too high.

Jodie knew something had to change. But she didn’t know how. She decided to seek help and feedback with hypnosis.

Managing Stress With Hypnosis

Hypnosis helped Jodie calm down and and set realistic goals. She learned how to get out of debating and worrying all the time. In addition, she started to let go of the things she couldn’t change. As a result, she began to see the forest from the trees, which made it easier to make good choices and have clear priorities. And, she started sleeping more soundly and having more energy and focus. It became easier to eat healthy. Her relationships improved, and she was starting to enjoy life again.

When she realized how much better her life was, she wished she had started hypnosis years ago.

**This story is a fictional collage of reactions seen in hypnosis clients as they learn how to manage stress.


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