How To Stop Procrastinating & Get Motivated

Discover How Hypnosis can Help you get Motivated & Achieve your Life Goals There is an old Yiddish curse that says “may you grow like an onion with your head in the ground.” Unfortunately many people are under this curse, and they often don’t even know it. Make sure you’re not one of them. Stop […]

Become An AWESOME, Stress-Free Parent By Following These 12 Steps

My parents never knew I had homework, and they certainly didn’t help me with it. These days, it seems that kids expect parents to entertain them, organize their play dates and take them to after school activities several nights a week (per kid!). It’s considered child neglect if kids play at the park without supervision. Instead, kids are making permanent dents in the couch while playing with the video game babysitter — no wonder obesity rates are soaring!

“Stressed out all the time?”


Kim was so tired of her clothes not fitting. She felt uncomfortable bending over.  She was avoiding social events because she was embarrassed about her weight.  Her energy level was low. She lost the drive to do the things she really wanted to do.  Her self-confidence was down.

“I Don’t Believe in Hypnosis”


The other day a heavy smoker came into my office, could barely walk down the street with all the huffing and puffing. He said he wanted to stop smoking. On the verge of retirement, he realized he’d better stop if he wanted to have any chance of enjoying his golden years. Had tried everything else. The patch, the gum, the drugs. Nothing worked. He was desperate.


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